Bus Buddies
While conducting a basic ethnographic shadowing exercise for a IACT class (human and computer interaction), teams in our class discovered two types of student's pain points - dreary and boring bus rides, and students finding it hard to meet new people. We were instructed to built a game app to cater to this two pain points.
Teams were first sent out to observe people and their needs, we conducted informal interviews, and gathered insights from there. Eventually we pitched ideas to the class and ideas were refined and developed. Afterwards we developed personas, wireframes, and style guides for our apps. The process took a timespan of 9 weeks until week 10 for our deliverable.
My role in this project was mainly ethnography work, I also developed supporting graphics to help clarify our app's plus points. I help develop the wireframes and it's iterations as well.
Final Outcome
For our final deliverable, we were tasked to present a final presentation which includes our research, journey map, wireframes, style guide, heuristic evaluation and etc.